An official website of the United States government


The White House Communications Agency provides global information services to the president, vice president, Executive Office of the President, and United States Secret Service, ensuring the ability of the White House to communicate anywhere, anytime, and by any means to anyone. Visit the WHCA recruiting website to be a part of history! 

Be a Part of History.

WHCA is a one-of-a-kind joint service organization dedicated to providing premier information services and communications support to the president. WHCA has assignment opportunities for military service members who are self-motivated and seek to grow. Our members operate in a fast-paced, dynamic environment requiring a team of dedicated, highly competent professionals — WHCA's Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen are the best of the best! An assignment at WHCA qualifies these leaders to work in direct support of the president, vice president, U.S. Secret Service and White House senior staff. The benefits of an assignment with the agency are tremendous, including earning the Presidential Service Badge and receiving specialized technical training unlike any other in the Defense Department.

Active Military Personnel Click Service Shield to Join Our Team

Navy Seal
Air Force Seal
Marines Seal









Reserve Component: How to Apply

As a member of the Guard or Reserve, you may be qualified to serve on an active duty tour with WHCA through the Personnel Force Innovation program, which funds members who have civilian or military experience in telecommunications, computing services, or acquisition support. TPU/TR, IMA, and IRR members are eligible and remain assigned to their home unit while performing duty at WHCA. Members will PCS to Washington, DC and receive full BAH for the DC area. Minimum tour length is 24 months but members may extend up to 36 months upon agreement by the member's WHCA supervisor and Reserve or Guard unit commander. If you are interested in a two- to three-year active duty tour, please send your resume with all technical certifications to
Contact WHCA: (202) 757-6706 or email

Army National Guard Logo
United States Army Reserve Logo
Air National Guard Logo
Air Force Reserve Command Logo

Army National Guard


United States Army Reserve


Air National Guard


Air Force Reserve Command