Use this form for requests to use the DISAWERX Innovation Center
** Please spell out any acronyms to avoid confusion**
Call 301-225-7428
DISA will not require a non‐disclosure agreement from DISAWERX participants for most DISAWERX activities. However, in some cases, specific DISAWERX Innovation Projects may require a non‐disclosure agreement. DISAWERX participants can make individual decisions as to whether they are comfortable signing a non‐disclosure agreement in such cases. DISA government personnel will not sign individual corporate non‐disclosure agreements but will follow federal non‐disclosure rules.
Describe the product you will test or demonstrate with specific details of what the test of demo is supposed to achieve. Attach all relevant diagrams, documents, or references to include any product documentation (i.e. capability documents) describing configuration, installation, operation, and maintenance required of administrators. If you are testing a software/application or utility, fill out “Application/Software” section accordingly. If you are demonstrating, specify the names of the demo attendees. Explain why you feel the DISAWERX Innovation Center is best suited to your needs.
Provide information and details on the application / code and its functionality:
Is any "Open Source" code used on the application?
Describe the following requirements:
List the components that require communication with any external system. Please specify the source and target IP addresses, ports and protocols used by each.
Provide a timeline for the product testing / demonstration to include proposed start and completion dates and any significant milestones. If you are using the DISAWERX Innovation Center for a demo, you must specify a date for a rehearsal at least one week in advance of the actual demo date. Include the date that necessary equipment will be delivered to the DISAWERX Innovation Center.