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DISA and JFHQ-DODIN Side-by-Side during Esprit de Corps Run

Undeterred by the threat of rain, approximately 200 personnel from the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and the Joint Force Headquarters – Department of Defense Information Networks (JFHQ-DODIN) gathered on Fort George G. Meade’s parade field for a 3-mile formation run led by the dual-hatted DISA director and JFHQ-DODIN commander, Army LTG Alan R. Lynn, on April 1.

“This is a great opportunity to come together as a team with military and civilian employees from across DISA and JFHQ-DODIN,” said Gary Wooten, assistant battle captain in the JFHQ-DODIN Operations Center, who was preparing to participate in his first esprit de corps run.

Reveille — the bugle call associated with the start of the duty day —played at 6:30 a.m., and all personnel came to attention as the American flag was raised.

Then, at the command of Joint Support Group Senior Enlisted Leader Army SGM Shannon Caviness, the runners began their three-mile route around the post.

A group of walkers, led by DISA Command Center Senior Enlisted Leader Army SGM Mark Bell, started their two-mile route at the same time. 

As the runners and walkers reached the end of their route, participants gathered to listen to Lynn’s remarks.

“Thank you for joining me on a great run this morning,” said Lynn.  “We have had a fantastic year, marked by historic changes and amazing accomplishments – but the slope continues to rise and we need to be steadfast in our commitment, just as we were running today, to meet those challenges.”

Employees responded enthusiastically, and Lynn finished by asking the workforce to extend his thanks to their families for the support that has been instrumental to the success of DISA and JFHQ-DODIN.

“Considering the operational tempo within DISA and JFHQ-DODIN, this type of event gives the entire workforce an opportunity to come together, outside of work, to build camaraderie,” said Major Dustin Phillips, commander of the Joint Support Group. “And that solidarity not only starts the day off on the right foot, but sets the tone for the way we operate in the future.”




Published April 4, 2016