DISA is a combat support agency of the Department of Defense.
The agency is composed of more than 9,000 military and civilian employees. The agency provides, operates and assures command and control and information-sharing capabilities and a globally accessible enterprise information infrastructure in direct support to joint warfighters, national level leaders and other mission and coalition partners across the full spectrum of military operations.
DISA Headquarters is located on Fort George G. Meade, a United States Army installation located in Maryland, that includes Defense Information Systems Agency headquarters, Defense Information School, Defense Media Activity, the United States Army Field Band, United States Cyber Command headquarters, National Security Agency, Defense Courier Service and the U.S. Navy's Cryptologic Warfare Group Six.
DISA has offices in CONUS and OCONUS including Hawaii, Germany and Japan to name a few. Military personnel on orders to elements outside of Fort George G. Meade, Maryland are directed to contact their sponsors for information on their new duty stations or contact the services' points of contact listed below.
DISA Headquarters Address: 6910 Cooper Ave., Fort Meade, MD 20755
Sponsor Request
Reporting to DISA Headquarters
- Personnel are encouraged to coordinate reporting with their sponsors to ensure access to the facilities
- All newly assigned military personnel (active duty, guard or reserves) to DISA-Fort George G. Meade must communicate with their sponsors upon arrival to coordinate In-processing.
- The J1 Manpower & Personnel Division (MPD) is located in Room C4H. The J1/MPD provides mandatory training management, personnel administration, and quality-of-life programs to military personnel assigned to HQS DISA and the Joint Force Headquarters (JFHQ) Department of Defense Information Network (DODIN)
All visits to the building must be coordinated through the Sponsor and/or the service representatives!
Onboarding Instructions:
- Personnel should maintain contact with respective sponsor to ensure they are tracking their arrival to the unit.
- New arrivals to DISA must coordinate with their sponsors before arriving to the building.
- Once permission to go to the building is granted, the sponsor will meet the new arrival at the front desk and escort them to coordinate updating their CAC card for security access to the DISA building.
- New arrivals should be prepared to provide supporting documentation to each Service they will be in-processing into.
- New arrivals will be given in-processing tools (installation in-processing, DISA in-processing, JFHQ-DODIN in-processing checklists, etc.)
- New arrivals have the option, at the discretion of their supervisor, to go on permissive temporary duty or PTDY "house hunting leave" for allocated amount of time.
- New arrivals should coordinate with their supervisor prior to house hunting.
Onboarding Contact Information for Active Duty Personnel

Soldiers |
Sailors |
Airmen |
Marines |
Supervisor -
Mr. Draughn, Tony
703-835-4347 anthony.draughn.civ@mail.mil
Mr. Sacbibit, Tony
301-225-1358 rueljay.f.sacbibit.civ@mail.mil
Service Representative -
SFC Mobley, Ayan
301-225-1347 ayan.n.mobley.mil@mail.mil
Service Representative -
SSG Campbell, Kevin
301-225-1347 kevin.a.campbell51.mil@mail.mill
Army Section -
Supervisor -
Mr. Nguyen, Linh
Mr. Jones, Deonta
757-778-1505 deonta.t.jones.civ@mail.mil
Service Representative -
PS1 Gonzalez, Alexis
301-225-1355 alexis.p.gonzalez.mil@mail.mil
Navy/Marine Corps Section -
Branch Chief -
Mr. Hernandez, Jorge
301-225-1350 jorge.a.hernandez28.civ@mail.mil
SEL, Air Force & Joint Reserve Section
SMSgt Beckwith, Amber
Service Representative -
MSgt Pate, Keely
Service Representative
MSgt Washington, Shemerica
Air Force Training Manager TSgt Broman, Jon
Air Force Section disa.meade.mps.mbx.air-force@mail.mil
Ft Meade Air Force Finance - 301-677-0815
DSN 622-0815,
Mon-Fri 0900-1530
70IW.FSO@us.af.mil |
Supervisor -
Mr. Nguyen, Linh
703-606-8449 linh.t.nguyen6.civ@mail.mil
Service Representative -
Sgt Downs, Leslie
Consolidated Personnel Administration Center (CPAC) -
CWO3 Silva, Jason
Navy/Marine Corps Section -
Medical/Dental -
Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center
Address: 2480 Llewellyn Ave, Fort Meade, MD 20755
Housing -
Corvias 2965 2nd Army Dr.
410-305-1258 |
Onboarding Contact Information for Reserve Military Personnel
Joint Reserves Branch Chief
Mr. Hernandez, Jorge
Joint Reserve Personnel
Mrs. Ruttley, Tanya (Army)
Air Force Reserves
Mr. Haag, Michael
Medical/Dental –
Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center
Address: 2480 Llewellyn Ave, Fort Meade, MD 20755
Housing –
Corvias 2965 2nd Army Dr.