The Defense Information Systems Agency is the combat support agency entrusted with the Defense Department’s information system network. It is our responsibility to transform and integrate our capabilities and services to best support the DOD.
The National Defense Strategy defines our priorities and guides this transformation process: defend the homeland, deter strategic attack, deter aggression and if deterrence fails, win and ensure our military advantage by building a resilient joint force and defense ecosystem. DISA supports all four priorities.
We’re designed and chartered to operate and secure critical warfighting information technology that enables the DOD to defend, deter, fight and win. This strategy communicates the suite of capabilities and services we intend on delivering to transform the DOD information system to meet the challenges described in the NDS. We seek to avoid unnecessary duplication of capabilities between the combatant commands, DOD field activities and military departments. We must capitalize on opportunities to simplify the IT environment, experiment with emerging technologies and test our solutions in the environments where the joint and coalition forces operate.
Our strategic planning framework focuses on four strategic and six operational imperatives to guide support to warfighters and mission partners:
Strategic Imperative 1: Operate and secure the DISA portion of the DOD information network
- Operational Imperative 1.1: Provide relevant, modern enterprise and business tools
- Operational Imperative 1.2: Provide resilient and redundant defense information system network backbone
- Operational Imperative 1.3: Manage the agency
Strategic Imperative 2: Support strategic command, control and communications
- Operational Imperative 2.1: Operationalize the cloud
Strategic Imperative 3: Optimize the network
- Operational Imperative 3.1: Unify the network
- Operational Imperative 3.2: Divest technical debt
Strategic Imperative 4: Operationalize Data
For details on each imperative and our eight 2030 goals review the full strategy.
DISA Next Strategy