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The Need for Connection

During World War II, the United States military relied on three main ways to communicate: wires, radios, and radar. These systems were designed to be used by everyone and could send messages across the globe. This design helped the U.S. and its allies coordinate during the war.

However, not everyone agreed on how these communication systems should be run. Some believed in a common-user system, where everyone shared the same resources. Others preferred dedicated-user systems, where each military branch had its own separate network.

After the war, the military realized it needed to be better organized for future conflicts. The National Security Act of 1947 created the Department of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, aiming to unify the different branches. Despite these changes, the debate between "common-user" and "dedicated-user" systems continued throughout the 1950s. The different military branches liked having their own systems, but this made it difficult to communicate effectively during joint operations.

The Making of the Defense Communications Agency

President Dwight D. Eisenhower believed the individual branches' desire for control was hindering progress and wanted a more centralized and efficient system. In 1957, he ordered a review of military communications to eliminate duplication. This review, along with the Defense Reorganization Act of 1958, paved the way for a major change. The Joint Chiefs of Staff proposed a single, unified communication network for all branches.

Finally, on May 12, 1960, the Defense Communications Agency was born. Its mission was to manage and operate this new unified communication system. Starting with just 34 members, DCA was initially located in a building called Wake Hall in Washington, D.C. They later moved to a more permanent location in Building 12 at the Naval Services Center in Arlington, Virginia. Although the accommodations were basic, DCA represented a major step forward in military communication. It marked the beginning of a new era of cooperation and efficiency.

Wake Hall, DCA Headquarters, May to September 1960
DCA Headquarters, Courthouse Road, 1965

Connecting through the Cold War

DCA faced a daunting task from the outset: unifying a patchwork of communication systems inherited from different branches of the military. One of the agency's first major responsibilities was to create three common-user networks: the Automatic Voice Network (AUTOVON), the Automatic Digital Network (AUTODIN) and the Automatic Secure Voice Communications Network (AUTOVOSECOM) for secure voice communication.

With the dawn of the space age, DCA also took on a critical role in developing and managing satellite communication systems, including the Defense Satellite Communications System.

Bridging Global Divides

The Cuban Missile Crisis of October 1962 showed the need for direct, timely and private communications between the U.S. and the Soviet Union. In June 1963, the two superpowers signed an agreement to set up a duplex cable circuit, which was later augmented by a satellite hookup, between the two capitals. DCA was tasked with establishing the "Hotline," a dedicated communication link, which became operational in August 1963.

Addressing Command and Control Challenges

The Cuban Missile Crisis also highlighted the need for a more robust command and control system for the military. This led to the creation of the Worldwide Military Command and Control System. However, WWMCCS initially struggled to achieve true integration, relying on a loosely knit federation of nearly 160 different computer systems, using 30 different general purpose software systems, at 81 locations.

Several high-profile incidents in the late 1960s, including an attack on the USS Liberty on June 8, 1967, and one on the USS Pueblo on January 23, 1968, exposed weaknesses in the system. These shortcomings would result in a formal effort to transform WWMCCS into a more coherent and coordinated system.

Supporting the Vietnam War Effort

As the Vietnam War escalated, DCA established a presence in Southeast Asia in 1964. The agency worked to create a modern communication network for the region, extending secure and reliable connectivity to the battlefield. This included the development of TALK QUICK, a manually switched network, and the integration of these systems with the global AUTOSEVOCOM network.

Site Octopus, Coom Center, Vietnam 1967
Vietnam communications dish/terminal
DISA History Photo
Soldier in Vietnam using
portable field telephone
DISA History Photo
Soldier using hand-held radio
during combat operation in Vietnam

Securing Communications

In the 1970s, the Defense Communications Agency took on a critical role in ensuring reliable communication during emergencies. In 1971, it assumed responsibility for the Minimum Essential Emergency Communications Network. This system was designed to guarantee that U.S. nuclear forces could receive vital orders even during a potential nuclear attack by the Soviet Union. The DCA ensured the MEECN's resilience by incorporating secure and redundant communication methods like specialized aircraft, missiles, satellites and ground-based radio. The MEECN remains a vital link between national command authorities and strategic nuclear forces.

DCA's responsibilities expanded further when it was designated as the architect for all defense satellite communications. This responsibility led to the creation of a new division, the Military Satellite Communications (MILSATCOM) System Office. DCA's role was to coordinate all planning and programs to prevent redundancy and ensure different systems could work together seamlessly. The first comprehensive architecture for military satellite communication was published in 1976. That same year, DCA launched the second phase of the Defense Satellite Communications System III program, contracting with General Electric to develop two test satellites.

Technology and Transformation

The 1980s witnessed a surge in military spending and a push for interconnected communication systems. New technologies emerged, offering opportunities for improvement. However, the process of sending messages remained cumbersome. Personnel relied on communication centers, filling out forms and having their message priority determined by others. This system was slow and frustrating for users.

Despite these challenges, significant advancements were made in satellite communication. The first Defense Satellite Communications System III satellite launched in 1982. These satellites became essential for military communication, offering secure and reliable connections across the globe. Fourteen DSCS III satellites were launched between 1982 and 2003, forming the backbone of the military's satellite network. The stage was set for the personal computer revolution to transform communication by the decade's end.

The Push for Interoperability Continues

The need for seamless communication between military branches, known as interoperability, wasn't new to the 1980s. It dated back to the challenges of World War II. The inability of different systems to communicate effectively was a key reason behind DCA's formation. However, true interoperability remained elusive even by the 1980s.

In 1986, a proposal to combine DCA with the Joint Tactical Command, Control, and Communications Agency gained traction. This move aimed to reduce overlap and improve efficiency. The secretary of defense approved the merger in 1987.

The newly expanded DCA continued to prioritize interoperability. In 1989, it established the Joint Interoperability Test Command at Fort Huachuca, Arizona. This facility provided a dedicated location for testing and certifying the compatibility of communication systems from both the military and private sector. JITC played a crucial role ensuring different systems work together seamlessly, a capability that would become increasingly vital in future conflicts.

Recognizing the need for long-term planning, DCA leadership developed "Vision 21," a strategy to guide the agency into the 21st century. This vision emphasized efficiency and modernization, adopting Total Quality Management as a key principle. DCA's responsibilities grew further when it was tasked with implementing a DOD initiative to improve information management. This expanded the agency's role to include information support for key entities like the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the White House.

Proving DCA's Worth in the Gulf War

DCA's capabilities were put to the test during Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. The agency played a vital role in designing and deploying a robust communication system for the region, known as the Southwest Asia Telecommunications System. SATS incorporated a mix of technologies, including satellites, microwave links, copper and fiber optic cables and various network systems. At its peak, SATS utilized over 100 satellite links, handling more military voice circuits than were in use across all of Europe.

DCA managed a complex network of connections, including a significant increase in traffic on the Worldwide Military Command and Control System, while maintaining a 99% operational rate.

In March 1991, Gen. Norman Schwarzkopf, U.S. Central Command commander, sent a message to Lt. Gen. Thurman D. Rodgers, the DCA director expressing his appreciation for the “absolutely superb” support provided by the agency. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Colin Powell visited DCA headquarters May 3, 1991, to personally thank DCA employees. For its significant contributions to the operations, DCA was awarded a Joint Meritorious Unit Award.

A New Era: The Defense Information Systems Agency

DCA became the Defense Information Systems Agency June 25, 1991. This name change reflected the agency's expanded responsibilities in managing and modernizing the DOD’s information systems. DISA's role as a combat support agency was now clearly defined.

As part of this shift, DISA established the Center for Information Management to provide technical expertise and support for information management initiatives across the DOD. The agency's responsibilities continued to grow with the creation of the Defense Information Infrastructure in 1992. This initiative aimed to streamline and consolidate the military's information processing centers, leading to greater efficiency and standardization.

DII paved the way for the Defense Information Systems Network, which combined 122 separate networks into a single, unified system. This consolidation streamlined communication and provided better operational support. DISA's vision for the DISN was to create a seamless network to deliver information to Warfighters anytime and anywhere.

Throughout the 1990s, DISA developed and deployed new systems to support modern warfare. One notable example was the Global Command and Control System. Designed to replace the outdated Worldwide Military Command and Control System, GCCS offered improved interoperability and provided Warfighters with a shared view of the battlefield, known as the Common Operational Picture. This system marked a significant step forward in enabling better coordination and decision-making. By 1996, DISA officially retired the Worldwide Military Command and Control System and the Automatic Digital Network ushering in a new era of information management for the military.

Combating Cyber Threats and the Rise of the Global Information Grid

By the late 1990s, DOD faced a growing threat from cyberattacks. In response, the military established the Joint Task Force - Computer Network Defense in 1998. This task force focused on protecting military computer networks and evolved into the Joint Task Force - Computer Network Operations in 2000.

In 2004, the JTF-CNO underwent a major transformation, adopting the Joint Concept of Operations for Global Information Grid Network Operations. This framework outlined a new approach to managing and defending the military's increasingly vital information networks. It marked the emergence of the Global Information Grid, a concept emphasizing the interconnected nature of modern operations.

Recognizing the importance of GIG, the secretary of defense designated the director of DISA as the commander of the newly formed Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations in 2004. This move placed DISA in charge of operating and defending GIG, a critical role ensuring the ability to communicate and operate effectively in the digital age. JTF-GNO's mission aligned with the military's vision for the future: a network-centric fighting force capable of seamlessly sharing information and coordinating operations across vast distances.

The Y2K Challenge

As the 1990s came to a close, a new concern emerged: the Y2K bug. While it seems insignificant in retrospect, at the time, there was widespread fear computer systems would malfunction at the turn of the millennium. DISA faced a critical challenge in ensuring the military's essential systems were Y2K compliant.

The agency took proactive steps to address the issue. DISA installed updated operating systems on their major computer systems and worked closely with military branches and contractors to identify potential vulnerabilities. Rigorous testing schedules were put in place to ensure all systems would function correctly when the year 2000 arrived.

DISA Adapts to New Challenges

The 21st century brought new challenges for DISA. The agency faced a growing demand for bandwidth, a greater need to secure networks and the complex task of ensuring different systems could work together seamlessly.

When Lt. Gen. Harry D. Raduege Jr. took charge of DISA in June 2000, he recognized the need for improvement. Data traffic on military networks had skyrocketed, and the agency was struggling to keep up. To address these challenges, Raduege sought feedback from military leaders and technology experts. This input led to the creation of a 500-day plan, a comprehensive effort to revamp DISA's approach to customer service and tackle the growing complexities of managing communication in the digital age.

Supporting Operations in Iraq and Afghanistan

The Sept. 11 attacks highlighted the critical importance of DISA's mission. The agency acted quickly, securing $300 million in emergency funds to support the Global War on Terrorism. These resources allowed DISA to strengthen communication networks and enhance command and control capabilities, ensuring U.S. and coalition forces had the information and connectivity needed to respond to the evolving threat.

Following the 9/11 attacks, DISA's capabilities were tested as never before. Between 2001 and 2003, the demand for military communication expanded exponentially. DISA responded by significantly broadening network capacity and bandwidth, ensuring troops in Iraq and Afghanistan had the communication tools they needed.

For Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003, DISA provided vastly more bandwidth to a smaller force than in the Gulf War, demonstrating the growing importance of network-centric warfare. The agency also played a crucial role in providing real-time battlefield information to commanders.

After the invasion of Iraq, DISA faced the daunting challenge of rebuilding the country's communication infrastructure from the ground up. This massive effort involved creating a reliable and secure network to support the Iraqi government and U.S. forces operating in the region.

Streamlining Data Centers

Following the consolidation of 194 data centers into 16 mega-centers in the 1990s, DISA continued to seek greater efficiency. By the 2000s, the agency had set a goal of reducing the number of mega-centers to six. This ambitious plan aimed to streamline operations, cut costs and improve overall performance.

By 2002, DISA provided computing services to over 700,000 users, managing a vast network of mainframes and servers. Through consolidation, the agency successfully reduced its workforce, lowered costs, and significantly increased processing capacity. These efforts saved millions of dollars annually and demonstrated DISA's commitment to modernization and efficiency.

Modernizing White House Communications

In 2003, DISA undertook a major upgrade of the White House's communication systems. This $326 million project, known as the "Pioneer Program," was the largest modernization effort in the history of White House communications. Over six years, DISA implemented cutting-edge technology to ensure the president had constant access to secure and reliable voice, video and data services.

Expanding the Global Information Grid

The Global Information Grid Bandwidth Expansion Program was a major undertaking by DISA to modernize communication networks. This $877 million project, launched in 2004, aimed to greatly increase bandwidth capacity, enabling faster and more reliable communication for operations worldwide.

After extensive testing, the program reached its initial operational capability in 2004 and achieved full operational capability at nearly 100 locations by the end of 2005. This marked a major step forward in creating a more robust and responsive global information grid for the DOD.

A New Strategy: Security, Reach and Speed

When Lt. Gen. Charles E. Croom Jr. became DISA's director in 2005, he introduced a new strategic vision: "Security, Reach and Speed." This strategy had five key elements:

  • Speed: Deliver information technology capabilities and services faster.
  • Power to the Edge: Extend enterprise services to the edge.
  • Operational Excellence: Enable sharing of information while staunchly defending it.
  • Sharing and Defending Information: Ensuring secure collaboration.
  • Best Value: Ensure customers know and understand the value of DISA capabilities and services.

Croom's approach to acquiring new technology was simple: Adapt, Buy or Create. This meant prioritizing the use of existing solutions, then buying new ones, and only developing new technology as a last resort. This approach recognized a good solution now is often better than a perfect solution years later. DISA pursued several programs to achieve these goals, including:

  • Net-Centric Enterprise Services: This program developed IT services for the Global Information Grid, connecting people and systems to enable better information sharing.
  • This platform supported the development and use of open-source software within the DOD fostering collaboration and innovation.
  • Rapid Access Computing Environment - Cloud Computing: This platform provided a cost-effective way for military units to test and deploy new applications without investing in expensive hardware. Cloud computing allowed for greater information sharing and flexibility.

These programs exemplified DISA's commitment to finding the fastest and most innovative solutions for Warfighters.

DISA Aids in Disaster Relief

Throughout the 2000s, DISA played a vital role in supporting disaster relief efforts. Following the devastating Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004, DISA worked closely with U.S. Pacific Command to provide communication and IT support to affected areas.

When Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast in 2005, DISA's Continuity of Operations Test Facility in Slidell, Louisiana, became a lifeline for the community. The facility served as a temporary operations center for first responders and provided shelter and security for hundreds of people in the aftermath of the storm.

Evolving Technology, Enduring Mission

The 2010s marked a period of significant growth and evolution for DISA as the agency celebrated its 50th anniversary and adapted to the ever-changing landscape of information technology and cybersecurity.

Supporting Operations in Afghanistan

Recognizing the need for reliable communication in active combat zones, DISA worked to improve connectivity in Afghanistan. The agency deployed teams to assess needs, improve communication infrastructure and provide secure video conferencing capabilities for multinational forces. DISA also helped establish the Afghan Mission Network, a vital communication network for coalition forces operating in the country.

The agency also created a high-capacity network connecting key locations like Bagram, Kabul and Kandahar, significantly enhancing bandwidth and reducing reliance on less reliable satellite and microwave links.

A New Strategic Plan

In 2010, DISA launched a new strategic plan to guide its future direction. The plan focused on three key areas: strengthening enterprise infrastructure, enhancing command and control, and improving information sharing. This plan reflected DISA's commitment to staying ahead of emerging challenges and ensuring the technological advantage of the U.S.

Aiding Disaster Relief Efforts

DISA played a vital role in responding to natural disasters. Following the devastating earthquake in Haiti in 2010, the agency rapidly deployed communication equipment and personnel to support relief efforts. DISA also provided critical assistance following the earthquake and tsunami in Japan in 2011, helping to restore vital communication links and support U.S. forces in the region.

Transition to U.S. Cyber Command

In 2010, DISA successfully transitioned the functions of the Joint Task Force - Global Network Operations to the newly formed U.S. Cyber Command. This move consolidated cybersecurity efforts under a single command and reflected the growing importance of cyberspace as a warfighting domain.

Enhancing Enterprise Infrastructure

DISA continued to modernize its data centers and expand its cloud computing capabilities, making IT resources more accessible and cost-effective for the Department of Defense. The agency also played a key role in developing the Joint Enterprise Network in Europe, a shared network that improved efficiency and security for U.S. forces operating in the region.

Relocating to Fort Meade

As part of the Base Realignment and Closure program, DISA completed its move to a new headquarters facility at Fort Meade, Maryland, in 2011. This consolidation brought together personnel and resources from multiple locations, improving efficiency and collaboration within the agency.

DISA History Minutes are intended to educate and inform the public on the rich history of our agency and the role we’ve played in the broader United States’ narrative. We trace our beginnings as the Defense Communications Agency, managing secure and reliable long-haul communications, to today's mission supporting the Warfighter with global reach and safeguarding communications to enable our nation’s success, from the battlefield to the White House.