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DISA sunsets DCS


DISA sunsets Defense Collaboration Services for Non-classified Internet Protocol Router Network Sept. 1

Office of Strategic Communication and Public Affairs

The Defense Collaboration Services Program is scheduled to sunset Sept. 1, except for the DCS Chat and Web Conference capabilities on the Secure Internet Protocol Router Network, which will remain operational until fiscal year 2023.

The DCS Program Office will execute a phased approach in decommissioning the service, synchronized with the department’s adoption of Microsoft Office 365 cloud-based services to allow for no disruption for those still using the capabilities.

The remaining DCS engineering activities will be limited to performance improvements and security patching until sunset. It’s recommended that users begin the transition of meetings and engagements from DCS to either their respective O365 capability or Global Video Service.

More about the DCS sunset can be found on DoD Cyber Exchange.

For additional information, contact the DISA IT Service Desk at 301-225-5000 or Tier III Service Desk Support.



Published July 7, 2021