DISAWERX was created through a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement between DISA’s Emerging Technology Directorate and KBR. DISAWERX is based out of KBR's Joint All-Domain Warfighting Lab in Columbia, Maryland.

EM’s vision is to integrate next-generation capabilities to fundamentally change the IT landscape of the Department of Defense. EM’s cutting-edge technologies will facilitate real-time, mission-enabling solutions, among cross-cutting platforms, devices, and classification levels.

While KBR's Defense & Intel business unit provides scientific, engineering and technical solutions to advance defense and national security interests on land, at sea, in the air, space and cyberspace. D&I’s team of specialists include scientists, engineers, aircrew, and other technical professionals who serve the U.S. Department of Defense and Intelligence Community.

Through this partnership, DISAWERX is an innovation environment designed to foster DISA employee’s experimentation with new technologies and ideas in collaboration with industry and academic partners. The objective of DISAWERX is to make it easier and faster to bring in, integrate, and explore new technologies, IT tools, and services while allowing DISA employees to collaborate with uncleared individuals from industry and academia. DISAWERX is an unclassified environment where innovators can bring their best ideas and capabilities forward for demonstration, examination and evaluation.


Our team  

Tyrell Fitzgerald (Program Manager)

Jean Chery (Deputy Program Manager)

Simone Parks (Administrative Support)

Brent Reitze (Engineering Support)

To contact our team please email DISA.WERX@mail.mil