An official website of the United States government

Line of Effort #4

Lines of Effort

Connect to MissionExpand Knowledge Base | Gain the Edge

Workforce 2025 Main Page

“DISA? What’s that?!” you may have been asked once or twice after telling people where you work. Let’s face it: Explaining what DISA does, why it's important, and why it may be an excellent career choice for a recent college grad or an industry IT pro from industry unfamiliar with government “geek speak” is not easy.

As DISA continues to strengthen the work culture, the agency invests in key initiatives to attract and retain a talent pool skilled in critical thinking and diverse in ideas, backgrounds and technical expertise. To get after this, DISA is forecasting needed skills through succession planning, improving how it markets career opportunities within the agency, and deepening external partnerships with educational institutions and third-party personnel services.

"Recruiting individuals with the right talent is critical. Whether they are recent college graduates, high-performing industry professionals, or military veterans with years of experience in the field — our goal is to make the agency a place sought out by high-caliber talent and provide a place they want to work." 

– Lt. Gen. Robert J. Skinner, director of the Defense Information Systems Agency

Key Initiatives and tools

• Forecast future talent needs based on changes in mission, technology and workforce trends.

• Elevate the “DISA brand,” so it is recognizable and make information about the agency accessible and easy to comprehend for academia, college grads, and potential recruits from the private sector who don’t “speak military.”

• Leverage external partnerships and third-party services to gain increased access to diverse, trained and skilled candidate pools.

Snapshot 2025

The DISA team consistently adds talented, highly skilled, and enthusiastic Americans from a diverse talent pool to its workforce, enabling agency leaders to plan for staff succession, promote current employees, and rotate others into new and exciting positions.